Monday, 26 March 2012

New Architects

This song comes from the new album which will be out towards the end of May. Sounds like a return to form...

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Peter, Tony, Logan, Bruce, Hal, Bruce and Clark

Some fantastic artwork featuring Marvel and DC superheroes and their alter-egos (notably the superheroes who have had films released in recent years).

Something old, something new

Today is the tenth anniversary of the original Xbox. I never owned one myself but I had two friends who did so we used to set up a system link game between four of them with two back to back TVs and spend hours hurling plasma grenades at each other. That made me think about how different it would be to go back to play on an original Xbox instead of my trusty 360 and found these two pictures.


The left is a still from the original Halo which was one of the original Xbox's launch games, the right is a development shot from Halo 4 which is due out at the end of the year. the difference between the two is amazing and adds weight to the argument against a new generation console in the next few years. Cannot wait for Halo 4.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

There's money in the banana stand

Really cannot wait for a new series/a film to finally rear its bald blue head.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Bass-ic skills

Awesome bass swinging capabilities from The Chariot

Let's get started

Inaugural post on my blog, setting a high standard for the future. Look forward to comics, science, music, tattoos and anything and everything that attracts my attention.